Configure the special characters and symbols used in XMetaL

The specialCharacters.xml file controls the special characters and symbols available in the Special Inserts view.

IXIASOFT CCMS provides the Special Inserts view, available in deployments using the XMetaL editor, which enables users to insert characters and symbols into text without typing escape characters or using hexadecimal codes. The view obtains the lists of special characters and symbols from a configuration file called specialCharacters.xml. You can add or remove characters and symbols to this list and update what is available in the view by editing this configuration file.

To configure the special characters and symbols used in XMetaL:

  1. Open the TEXTML Administration perspective by clicking the TEXTML Administration shortcut on the tool bar. If the shortcut is not displayed, follow these steps:
    1. Select Window > Open Perspective > Other
    2. Click TEXTML Administration.
    3. Click OK.
  2. In the TEXTML Administration view, double-click the server. If your server is not displayed in the view, you must add it to the view.
  3. When the Connect as dialog opens, type your username and password and click OK.
  4. Double-click the name of your docbase to open a connection to the Content Store.
  5. Expand the Content Store's Repository node and browse to /system/conf/ to locate the specialCharacters.xml file.
  6. Right-click specialCharacters.xml and click Check Out.
  7. Double-click the file to open it in the XML editor area.
  8. For each new character or symbol you want to offer in the Special Inserts view, add a new line to the relevant list.
    • To add a new special character, insert a new line in the <characters> section using the format <character value='[new character]'/> and replace [new character] with your character; for example:
         <character value='Ø'/>
    • To add a new symbol, insert a new line in the <symbols> section using the format <character value='[new symbol]'/> and replace [new symbol] with your character; for example:
         <character value='¿'/>
  9. Save, close, and check in the specialCharacters.xml file.
  10. Inform users of the changes.
    The changes will be applied automatically once users close and then reopen their . Users can also apply the changes without restarting their IXIASOFT CCMS Desktop by clicking DITA CMS > Synchronize Configuration.