IDs for the Import menu

IDs for the options in the Import menu are listed in the Processing [import] from [ixiasoft.eclipse.startup] section of the log.

For example:
Processing [import] from [ixiasoft.eclipse.startup]
	com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse.wizard.category ...............: 
		com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse.wizard.import.topic .............:
	com.oxygenxml.editor ...........................................: 
	org.eclipse.debug.ui ...........................................: 
To remove a top menu, enter its ID in a <removeditem> element. For example, to remove the oXygen XML option from the Import menu, enter its ID in the eclipseui.xml file as follows:
<perspective id="ixiasoft.eclipse.startup">
   <section id="import">
      <removeditem id="com.oxygenxml.editor"/>
To remove a menu option or submenu, enter its ID in a <removeditem> element and specify its parent ID is a menupath attribute. For example, to remove the Import Taxonomy from the DITA CMS option, enter its ID and the ID of its parent in the eclipseui.xml file as follows:
<section id="oxygenactionbar">
   <removeditem id="com.ixiasoft.dita.eclipse.wizard.import.taxonomy" 