Analysis of search results
After a search, the application is able to ask the server to analyze the search result and to return the number of documents for each specified index value. This feature is useful to guide the user in his search process and to refine his search.
To this end, two new API calls were added. These API calls take as input a search query which has the same XML format as that used by the SearchIndexes call. They return their results in the same format as SearchIndexes. The DTDs ( SEARCH_INDEX.DTD and SEARCH_INDEXRESULT.DTD) that define these structures are available as system documents.
The new API calls in the various languages are:
In Java
String GetIndexedValues(String query, String [] docNames) throws TextmlserverError
String GetIndexedValues(String query, List list) throws TextmlserverError
The first one uses an array of document names and the second one a result space from a previous search.