About TEXTML Server

TEXTML Server is a database system designed to efficiently store and retrieve XML documents as well as documents in any format (PDF files, image files, etc.).

TEXTML Server is a building block for applications that need to manage large amounts of XML information or for any application containing loosely structured information that cannot be efficiently handled by traditional relational database systems.

The fact that it is designed with XML at its core makes TEXTML Server extremely versatile and ideally suited to a wide variety of applications. It can be used on its own or in tandem with traditional relational databases. It supports two-tier and n-tier architectures, including browser-based applications.

Your client application (or the tier of your application that includes calls to TEXTML SDK) can run on Windows and many flavors of Linux. See the TEXTML Server Installation Guide for full information on system requirements.

TEXTML Server consists of:

  • A set of document bases (docbases), each composed of a repository and indexes:
    • The repository is designed to store XML documents, but it can also accommodate any file format, including binary file formats (JPEG, PDF, etc.). Content stored in the repository may be arranged in collections (equivalent to directories or folders in a file system). The repository supports document check-in/check-out, document versioning, and other features.
    • Indexes allow you to quickly search documents using indexes rather than doing full-text search. There are five types of indexes: word, string, date, time, and numeric.
  • An indexing engine that creates custom, dynamic indexes based on specific application and business requirements. The indexing engine is fast enough to enable TEXTML Server to parse documents and update indexes as soon as the documents are added, modified, or deleted.
  • A search engine for efficient content retrieval and sorting of results. The search engine enables users to perform powerful searches on any type of index. It allows them to use search operators—such as Boolean, proximity, frequency, and priority operators—as well as wildcards and right/left truncation.
  • The TEXTML SDK, a software development kit for integrating your custom applications into TEXTML Server. The SDK includes APIs for Java, .NET (C#), Perl, and COM (VBS). It also includes detailed documentation and working sample programs for each API.