Documentation for TEXTML SDK

Documentation and other useful information about TEXTML SDK and TEXTML Server.

The following are included with TEXTML Server's software distribution:

Table 1. Documentation about TEXTML SDK and TEXTML Server
Document(s) Description and location
TEXTML Server SDK Programming Guide for Java

Conceptual, procedural, and some reference documentation.


TEXTML SDK Reference for Java

Reference documentation for each class, method, etc., provided as browser-based Help (Javadoc).


Note: TEXTML SDK Reference shows some declarations of interfaces and abstract types. Despite these declarations, all classes and methods are fully implemented.

As well, when editing source files in Microsoft Visual Studio, "hovering" your mouse over a TEXTML SDK identifier will display reference information in a tooltip.

TEXTML Server Installation Guide.

Includes some useful information about TEXTML Server internals.


TEXTML Server Administration Guide

We recommend that you at least skim this document. Most concepts needed to use TEXTML SDK are visible through the user interface of TEXTML Console.


Release notes

A log of changes in TEXTML Server since its previous release.


Sample programs and other sample files

Location: [...]\IxiaSoft\TextmlServer[version]\SDK\.

  • Sample documents: news stories coded in XML. You can use them to build a sample document base (docbase) that this documentation calls the SampleNewsDocbase.
  • A sample Index Definition document (indexdefinition.xml) for the SampleNewsDocbase You can use it to index the SampleNewsDocbase.
  • Sample programs. You can run them against the SampleNewsDocbase and your own docbases.
  • Sample queries. They return documents and other data from the SampleNewsDocbase and other document bases. You can run them with the sample programs and also with TEXTML Console.
  • Scripts named run*.bat, located with the sample programs. They use the samples programs, etc. mentioned above.

    You can use these scripts to quickly create and populate the SampleNewsDocbase, and then to run queries. They also demonstrate the command lines required to run the sample programs.

Note: The documentation for TEXTML SDK frequently refers to the SampleNewsDocbase and these samples.