Understanding how IXIA CCMS Web organizes content

Content consists of one of four possible different object types.

  1. Maps contain a hierarchy of references to all its related children objects in the document, acting similarly to a structured table of contents or outline.
  2. Topics contain editable content that covers a single subject: conceptual information, tasks, or reference data. It can contain also references to other objects, such as images or resources.
  3. Images contain an image and its related information, such as keywords or descriptive text. Image objects can also contain multiple image versions in different resolutions and formats for different output types.
  4. Resources contain read-only content that is not directly editable, such as a PDF file.
Note: Any topics assigned to you include a context map. The context map provides you with the related parent map in the Details side panel and with definitions to resolve any keys contained in the topic.
Figure: Hierarchy of objects
Hierarchy of objects