The user guide for writers using IXIA CCMS Web. It contains information to help users with authoring, managing, and reviewing content in CCMS Web.
All of the content that you create can be exported from IXIA CCMS Web to the target document deliverables using the IXIA CCMS Output Generator. The CCMS Output Generator is the component that executes the transformation processes from DITA files to a specified output type, such as PDF, HTML, and XML.
This section explains how to access CCMS Web.
The CCMS Web is designed to be intuitive and consistent, making it straightforward to navigate the application.
You can use the Search in the Navigation bar to quickly find IXIA CCMS Web objects.
In CCMS Web, you can create, edit, and organize topics, maps, images, resources, and other CCMS-specific objects such as Collaborative Reviews, Approvals, and Snapshots.
A worklist is a list of objects that you share with a user group. The group uses the worklist to coordinate work on the related objects and tracks related assignments.
You can mark an object as a personal favorite, which adds it to your Favorites side panel so that you can quickly find it and work with it.
Any kind of relationship one object has to another object is called a dependency: all dependencies are reciprocal relationships.
Whenever an important change happens to an object, IXIA CCMS Web creates a new revision. CCMS Web tracks all the changes to an object with each revision and stores the information in the revision history.
A taxonomy is a hierarchical classification system that organizes taxonomy terms. Taxonomy terms are a type of metadata, which you can use to classify objects.
A snapshot records all the important data about a map and the objects in it at the moment the snapshot is created. It is a complete picture of the map and its content at that point in time.
When you select an object in IXIA CCMS Web, the Bulk Actions basket saves your selection to the basket for taking a given action.
You can track all IXIA CCMS Web work assigned to you on the My Assignments page.
Reviewers can use the Collaborative Review (CR) feature on the content assigned to them as a means to both provide feedback to writers and view any annotations added by other assigned reviewers.
Use the Approvals feature to get a final sign off on content after completion of all reviews.
All the content that you generate in IXIA CCMS Web with CCMS Output Generator is temporarily stored online. You can access the content you created from your My Outputs page.
An output is the target document deliverable for your content. You can generate an output from objects such as a maps, topics, and Collaborative Reviews.
You can use conditional profiling attributes to tailor the same document for different audiences, formats, or releases when you generate an output.
You can use a Build Manifest to partially automate the generation of output from a map.
IXIA CCMS Customer Support staff are available to answer your questions. We welcome your comments.