Edit or fork a topic

If you want to edit a topic that is in more than one branch, you might be able to edit it in all branches or you might need to fork the topic because some branches are unavailable. You can also choose to fork the topic even if it is not required.

About this task

The steps to edit or fork a topic change depending whether there is a clear context you are editing within.

Note: The map that you edit an object within overrides the context of any assignment.
CCMS Web determines the context you want to edit within by assuming the following:
  • If you edit an object while in Map Editor, the map open in Map Editor is the context
  • If you edit an object that is assigned to you, any context map for the assignment is the context

The following is a quick overview of how the context changes the steps:

Scenario Description
Editing a topic with a context The topic already has a context map, so IXIA CCMS Web automatically selects the branch that the context map is in. You can select other available branches, but you cannot deselect this branch.

If you must fork a topic, the branch with the context map must be one of the branches you select. If you can edit it in only one branch, the topic is forked automatically in that branch.

Editing a topic without a context You must pick a context map.

If you must fork a topic, you can pick any available branch. If you can edit it in only one branch, the topic is automatically forked in that branch.

To edit or fork a topic:


  1. Click the icon or button that appears for the topic:
    • Edit or Edit icon means you can fork it in only some branches or edit it in all available branches.
    • Fork or Fork icon means you must fork it in only some branches.

    One of the following appears:

    Scenario Description
    The topic is automatically checked out and opens in Topic Editor. The topic is in only one branch.
    A message appears saying which Branch the topic will automatically fork in. The topic is in multiple branches, but you can edit it in only one branch.

    Click Fork & Edit to fork and check out the topic.

    The Fork & Edit dialog appears. You can edit the topic in multiple branches.

    Follow the steps below.

  2. Select the branches to edit.
    The branches are sorted by branch type.

    If there is a context map, the branch that it is in is selected. You cannot deselect the branch.

  3. Click Fork & Edit or Next.
    The button that appears depends on the scenario. Click whichever button appears.
    One of the following results:
    • If you clicked Fork & Edit, the topic is checked out and opens in Topic Editor.
    • If you clicked Next, you must select a context map for the topic from the Search.

      Follow the steps below.

  4. Choose one of the following actions:
    • To pick a topic's context map, click the map's radio button.
    • To edit the topic without a context map, click No context map.
  5. Click Edit or Fork & Edit.
    The button that appears depends on the scenario. Click whichever button appears.


The topic is checked out and the Topic Editor opens.
  • If you selected all the branches in the Fork & Edit dialog, you are editing the topic across all branches.
  • If you selected only some of the branches, a new instance of the topic is created in the branches that you selected. Any changes you make will appear for that topic in only those branches.