Answers to the most commonly asked questions about IXIA CCMS and contains information to help users troubleshoot system issues.
This section contains frequently asked questions (FAQs) for troubleshooting issues you encounter while using the unified localization feature in CCMS Web.
You can create a new default preferences file for the XML editor to import by default.
You can perform some troubleshooting to allow topics to open in Oxygen Author mode.
You can install or update the XML editor by using a dropin.
IXIA CCMS Desktop has been configured to open unlocked XML files in a read-only XML editor.
The file association for HTML files is not configured properly.
You can insert an image to use as a hazard symbol.
You can add a link to an external PDF file.
You can use the Link icon and manually edit the attributes to insert a link to another element.
You can use the Link icon to insert a link to an element in another topic.
You cannot change an existing topic to another topic type; you need to recreate it.
The flowRoot element is not defined in the SVG DTDs and needs to be converted to text.
You can manually adjust the cross reference link.
This section contains FAQs for troubleshooting when editing topics.