Adding STARTTLS authentication support to IXIA CCMS Scheduler

STARTTLS provides the means to provide an encrypted, secure communication channel by using either Transport Layer Security (TLS) or Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). It can be enabled within IXIA CCMS Scheduler by editing schedule.xml.

To add STARTTLS authentication support to CCMS Scheduler, do the following:

  1. Open the %SchedulerDir%/conf/schedule.xml file.
  2. Look for the default SMPT connection definition; it should be as follows:
    <smtp url="smtp.ixiasoft.local" port="25" email="" />
  3. Edit the line to add the following STARTTLS attributes, similar to the following:
    <smtp url="smtp.ixiasoft.local" port="25" email="" starttls="true"
    username="<username>" password="<password>" trust="<hostname>" />
    • starttls: To enable STARTTLS, this must be set to true. When set to true, the following values are required:
      • username: The user name used to authenticate to the SMTP server.
        Note: Tthe user identified by username must be authorized to send emails from the address specified.
      • password: The password used to authenticate to the SMTP server
      • trust: A hostname, or space-delimited list of hostnames, from which an SSL certificate will be trusted. To skip SSL certificate validation, use an asterisk ("*"). Some possible examples:
        • trust="smtp.ixiasoft.local" - Trust certificates issued to smtp.ixiasoft.local
        • trust="smtp1.ixiasoft.local smtp2.ixiasoft.local" - Trust certificates issued to any of these hosts
        • trust="*" - Trust all certificates (do not validate).
  4. When you are done, save and close the schedule.xml file.
  5. Restart the CCMS Scheduler service:
    • On Windows: Open the Services console, right-click Ixiasoft Scheduler and click Stop, and then right-click Ixiasoft Scheduler and click Start.
    • On Linux: Run the following commands:
      systemctl restart Scheduler