Troubleshoot a failed installation

If the installation of IXIA CCMS Web Server was not successful, you must address the issues and run the installation script again.

To troubleshoot a failed installation:

  1. Resolve errors:
    1. In the location where you extracted the package, open the installation.log file in a text editor.
      If the installation.log file does not exist, ensure that the installation directory did not have a space in its name.
    2. Look for the Error messages.
    3. Fix the issues.
  2. Delete the Tomcat service, if it was installed.
    Table 1. Tomcat service deletion steps
    Operating system Task
    1. Click the Windows Start menu, right-click Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator.
    2. Enter the following command:
      [IXIASOFT_PATH]\apache-tomcat-9.0.97\bin\tomcat9.exe //DS//[TOMCAT_SERVICE_NAME]

      [IXIASOFT_PATH] and [TOMCAT_SERVICE_NAME] are the values you configured in the properties.txt file.

    /sbin/chkconfig --del [TOMCAT_SERVICE_NAME]
    rm /etc/init.d/[TOMCAT_SERVICE_NAME]


    [TOMCAT_SERVICE_NAME] is the value you configured in the properties.txt file.

  3. Delete the Tomcat folder from the path that you specified as the IXIASOFT_PATH parameter in the properties.txt file.
  4. Delete the backup directory from the installation directory.
  5. Run the installation script again.