Logs and system information for IXIA CCMS Web

You should access logs and system information for IXIA CCMS Web if you encounter system issues and seek to diagnose it for either your on-premise or SaaS deployment.

Note: See Where can I find the version number for the IXIA CCMS components? to assist you in finding version numbers of IXIA CCMS components.
Table 1. IXIA CCMS Web on-premise deployment logs and information

Log or information type

Details or related action

User information

Username, time of issue, user time zone

Tomcat log files

<web install dir>\apache-tomcat-<version>\logs

Video with browser console logs

  1. In the browser, press F12.
  2. Click the Console tab.
  3. Start recording a video.
  4. Reproduce the issue.
  5. In the console pane, right-click, and select Save As.

Browser name

Examples: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Opera

IXIA CCMS Web Server


Click System Information located at the bottom of the sign in screen

Table 2. IXIA CCMS Web SaaS deployment logs and information

Log or information type

Details or related action

Content Store

Indicate the Content Store, such as Prod, Test, or Stage


In the Details panel, copy the filename

User information

Username, time of issue, user time zone

Video with browser console logs

  1. In the browser, press F12.
  2. Click the Console tab.
  3. Start recording a video.
  4. Reproduce the issue.
  5. In the console pane, right-click, and select Save As to save the console log.

Browser name

Examples: Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Edge, Opera