How can I change the Java version for CCMS Output Generator or IXIA CCMS Scheduler when using SSL?

You can update the Java version for CCMS Output Generator or IXIA CCMS Scheduler when connecting TEXTML Server set up with SSL.


We use SSL and replaced Java 1.7 with 1.8. Since the change, we get a connection error when trying to generate output. The wrapper.log file shows the following error message: ERROR com.ixiasoft.outputgenerator.packager.Packager - Unable to connect to Server{host='cmsdb', port=2551, majorVersion=4, version=, security=SSL_SECURITY} and docbase cms_prod.


  1. Change to the root directory of your current Java JRE. If the path to your current Java is C:\Ixiasoft\jdk1.7.0_80, change to the folder C:\Ixiasoft\jdk1.7.0_80\jre.
  2. To see the list of trusted certificates, type the following:
    bin\keytool.exe -list -storepass changeit -keystore lib\security\cacerts |findstr /V /i sha1 |sort
    The first column contains the certificate alias. For example, ixiasoft_root and ixiasoft_sub.
  3. To extract your certificate from the current Java store, type the following:
    set certificatename=%company%_root
    For example:
    set certificatename=ixiasoft_root
  4. Type the following:
    bin\keytool.exe -export -storepass changeit -keystore lib\security\cacerts -rfc -alias %certificatename% -file c:\temp%certificatename%.pem
    This creates a file called %company%_root.pem in the C:\temp\ folder. For example, C:\temp\ixiasoft_root.pem.
  5. Type the following:
    set certificatename=%company%_sub
    For example:
    set certificatename=ixiasoft_sub
  6. Type the following:
    bin\keytool.exe -export -storepass changeit -keystore lib\security\cacerts -rfc -alias %certificatename% -file c:\temp%certificatename%.pem
    This creates a file called %company%_sub.pem in the C:\temp\ folder. For example, C:\temp\ixiasoft_sub.pem.
  7. Change to the root directory of your new Java JRE. If the path to your Java is C:\Ixiasoft\jdk1.8.0_121 change to the folder C:\Ixiasoft\jdk1.8.0_121\jre.
  8. Type the following:
    set certificatename=%company%_root
    For example:
    set certificatename=ixiasoft_root
  9. Type the following:
    bin\keytool.exe -import -storepass changeit -keystore lib\security\cacerts -noprompt -alias %certificatename% -file c:\temp%certificatename%.pem
  10. Type the following:
    set certificatename=%company%_sub
    For example:
    set certificatename=ixiasoft_sub
  11. Type the following:
    bin\keytool.exe -import -storepass changeit -keystore lib\security\cacerts -noprompt -alias %certificatename% -file c:\temp%certificatename%.pem
Note: A restart is not required as the SSL trusted root certificate will be used on the next output generation.