How can I display topic titles that contain conkeyrefs or conrefs?

You can edit an index to display the conref.


When a title contains only a conref, the title appears blank in DITA Map view and the Search Results view. You can modify an existing index.


For a conkeyref, in the TEXTML Administration perspective, perform the following:
  1. Edit the Index Definition file.
    CAUTION: Be careful when editing the Index Definition document. Changes can significantly affect the indexing process, and any errors in the document can lead to data corruption or other errors.
  2. Uncomment out the following line in the <index NAME="title" SYNC="True"> index:
    <!-- The following XPath resolves @conkeyref attributes into the target element id, pre and postfixed with "%" -->
    <!--<element DEPTH="0" XPATH="normalize-space(string-join(for $e in (/*/*[contains(@class,' topic/title ')]//node()) return (if ($e/@conkeyref) then concat('%', substring-after($e/@conkeyref,'/'), '%') else if ($e/self::text()) then string(normalize-space($e)) else ''), ' '))"/>-->
  3. When the index has finished indexing, restart your IXIA CCMS Desktop.
For a keyword, in the TEXTML Administration perspective, perform the following:
  1. Edit the Index Definition file and add the following line in the <index NAME="title" SYNC="True"> index:
    <!-- Added for keywords in titles, the following XPath resolves @keyword attributes into the target element id, pre and postfixed with "%" -->
    <element DEPTH="0" XPATH="normalize-space(string-join(for $e in (/*/*[contains(@class,' topic/title ')]//node()) return (if ($e/@conkeyref) then concat('%', substring-after($e/@conkeyref,'/'), '%') else if ($e/@keyref) then concat('%', $e/@keyref, '%') else if ($e/self::text()) then string(normalize-space($e)) else ''), ' '))"/>				
  2. When the index has finished indexing, restart your CCMS Desktop.