Examples of map-wide Search and Replace conditions

The current map-wideSearch and Replace feature provides you with the most flexible and yet most specific approach to text replacement within the objects associated with a map.

The conditions associated with whole words or case-sensitive searches follow industry-wide standards.

Table 1. Conditions for whole words or case-sensitive searches

Character type



Whole words

Search for sentence and the search results include both examples 1 or 2, but not 3, which is the plural form, so does not qualify.

  1. <p>This·is·a· sample·sentence·in·a·topic.</p>
  2. <p>This·is··a· sample·sentence··in·a·topic.</p>
  3. <p>These·are·sample·sentences within·a·topic.</p>


Search for sentence and the search results include both examples 1 or 3, but not 2, which contains upper-case, so does not qualify.

  1. <p>One·sample·sentence·is·in·a·topic.</p>
  2. <p>Sentences·are·in·a·sample·topic.</p>
  3. <p>Several·sample·sentences·are·in·a·topic.</p>

The conditions for white spaces require some clarification.

Table 2. Conditions for ignoring white space

Character type



Simple space, leading or trailing space

Search for a sample sentence text string finds all three examples, regardless of white space setting before or after the search string.
Note: Elements that might match the text string can be wrapped in a tag, which would require manual intervention to preserve.
  1. <p>This·is·a·sample·sentence·in·a·topic.</p>
  2. <p>This·is··a·sample·sentence··in·a·topic.</p>
  3. <p>This·isa·sample·sentencein·a·topic.</p>


  • Search for a sample sentence text string finds only Example 1

  • Search for a sample sentence text string and ignore any white space finds both Example 1 and Example 2

  1. <p>This·is·a·sample·sentence·in·a·topic.</p>
  2. <p>This·is·a-->sample·sentence·in·a·topic.</p>

Element or entity

Search for a sample sentence text string finds only Example 1

  1. <p>This·is·a·sample·<b>sentence<b>·in·a·topic.</p>
  2. <p>This·is·a·sample·sentence·in·a·topic.</p>