You can quickly search through the content of documents in a map,
including the XML elements and attributes.
Open the DITA perspective.
Open a map in the DITA Map view.
Optional: To search only certain topics in the map, take the following actions:
Select them
Under Applies to, click
In the DITA Map view, click .
Select Search and Replace.
The Search and Replace dialog appears.Figure: Search and Replace dialog
Under Containing text, enter the search
To search recently used text or expressions, click the dropdown list under
Containing text and make a selection.
Note: Your search string can
include wildcards, but it cannot include operators.
Optional: If desired, select one or more
Case sensitive to find only text that
matches the case in your search string.
Whole word to find only whole words that match
the search string. For example, a search for cat
would ignore the word catastrophe.
Regular expression to use Regular Expressions
(RegEx) to find a codified pattern. If this option is not selected, the [ ]
characters, if used, will act as wildcards.
Click Search
The documents that match your search criteria appear in the Search view: