Customize an existing transformation scenario

Suppose you need to customize the default Dita2Pdf transformation scenario.

Let's assume that you need to customize the default Dita2Pdf transformation scenario to include <draft-comment> elements and to include only reltable links in the output.
Note: If you need to change the behavior of a target that is located in a IXIA CCMS conductor file, do not modify the target directly. Instead, copy the target from the CCMS conductor file to your client conductor file, rename it, modify it in your client conductor file, and set your client preprocessor to point to your conductor file. This ensures that any updates to the IXIA CCMS Output Generator software will not overwrite your customization.

To customize an existing transformation scenario:

  1. Open your client conductor file, such as %OutputGenDir%/data/conductor-acme.xml.
  2. Open the conductor file that contains the target for modification, such as %OutputGenDir%/data/conductor-ot.xml.
  3. Copy the contents of Dita2PDF transformation scenario, such as the dita2pdfwrapper target, from the CCMS conductor file, such as %OutputGenDir%/data/conductor-ot.xml, to your client conductor file, such as %OutputGenDir%/data/conductor-acme.xml.
  4. Edit the target name to indicate that you customized the target for your company, Acme.
    Note: Be sure to change the values of echostart and echoend to reflect the new target name.
    MadCap Software recommends that you add your company name before the target name.
    <target name="acme.dita2pdfwrapper" depends="default_dependencies, flatten, resolve_container_keyref, extract_HiRes_images">
  5. Modify the target in your client conductor file.
    For example, to include <draft-comment> elements and reltable links only in the output, configure the args.rellinks and args.draft parameters.
    <target name="acme.dita2pdfwrapper" depends="default_dependencies, flatten, resolve_container_keyref, extract_HiRes_images">
    	<ot_build_set_parameter name="transtype" value="pdf2"/>
    	<ot_build_set_parameter name="args.rellinks" value="nofamily"/>
    	<ot_build_set_parameter name="args.draft" value="yes"/>
    	<!-- Set the property job.keep.temp to preserve the completed temp folder of the task -->
    	<!--<property name="job.keep.temp" value="yes"/>-->
  6. Save and close your client conductor file.
  7. Open your client preprocessor file, such as %OutputGenDir%/conf/client/preprocessors.xml.
  8. Open the %OutputGenDir%/conf/preprocessor.xml file.
  9. Copy the contents of the dita2pdf preprocessor to modify from the CCMS preprocessor file, such as %OutputGenDir%/conf/preprocessor.xml to your client preprocessor file, such as %OutputGenDir%/conf/client/preprocessors.xml.
  10. Set the buildfile and target parameters to point to the new target.
    Note: You need to make any changes to either %OutputGenDir%/conf/outputtypes.xml or %OutputGenDir%/conf/client/outputtypes.xml. By copying the dita2pdf preprocessor in steps 7-10, you have redirected the default Dita2Pdf output type to your own dita2pdf preprocessor and therefore to your new acme.dita2pdfwrapper target.
    <preprocessor name="dita2pdf" class="com.ixiasoft.outputgenerator.preprocessor.AntProcessor" >
             <parameter name="buildfile" value="/conductor-acme.xml"/>
             <parameter name="target" value="acme.dita2pdfwrapper"/>
             <parameter name="clean" value="job_postprocess"/>
             <parameter name="keep.log.files" value="true"/>
  11. To test the transformation scenario, restart the CCMS Output Generator service.