Example domain specialization: emphasisDomain

A domain specialization often defines phrase-level element types, as opposed to a topic specialization, which defines a whole new hierarchy of elements. The XML Mention domain is a commonly-mentioned domain, used as an example of integrating a domain specialization.

Suppose you have created a domain specialization, Emphasis, that includes a new element, <em> for use when marking text your users want to stress. This specialization includes the two files: emphasisDomain.mod and emphasisDomain.ent.

Note: For further inspiration, see Eliot Kimber's tutorials at http://dita4practitioners.github.io/dita-specialization-tutorials/.

The specialization does not include a DTD file because it is a domain specialization. A domain specialization never includes a DTD because it cannot be used on its own, unlike topic type specializations.

To integrate an emphasisDomain specialization:

  1. Add emphasisDomain.mod and emphasisDomain.ent to the dtd subfolder of your DTD plugin.
  2. Check out and open CompanyDitabase.dtd.
  3. In the DOMAIN ENTITY DECLARATIONS section, add the identified lines.
    <!ENTITY % emphasis-d-dec
      PUBLIC "-//COMPANY//ENTITIES Emphasis Domain//EN"     
  4. In the DOMAIN EXTENSIONS section, edit the keyword entity to include emphasis-d-keyword.
    <!ENTITY % keyword      "keyword |
                             %pr-d-keyword; | 
                             %sw-d-keyword; |
                             %ui-d-keyword; |
  5. In the DOMAINS ATTRIBUTE OVERRIDE section, edit the included-domains entity to reference &emphasis-d-att.
    <!ENTITY included-domains 
  6. In the DOMAIN ELEMENT INTEGRATION section, add the identified lines.
    <!ENTITY % emphasis-d-def  
      PUBLIC "-//COMPANY//ELEMENTS Emphasis Domain//EN"   
  7. Save, close, and check in CompanyDitabase.dtd.
  8. Check out and open your DTD plugin's catalog.xml.
  9. Within the group that includes CompanyDitabase.dtd, add the public identifiers for the emphasisDomain.mod and emphasisDomain.ent files.
       <!-- Topics -->
       <public publicId="-//COMPANY//DTD DITA Composite//EN" uri="dtd/CompanyDitabase.dtd"/>
       <!-- Company Emphasis domain --> 
       <public publicId="-//COMPANY//ELEMENTS Emphasis Domain//EN" uri="dtd/emphasisDomain.mod"/>
       <public publicId="-//COMPANY//ENTITIES Emphasis Domain//EN" uri="dtd/emphasisDomain.ent"/>
  10. Save, close, and check in catalog.xml
  11. Restart the IXIA CCMS Desktop.
  12. To add the specialization to IXIA CCMS Output Generator, take the following actions:
    1. Copy the entire com.company.dtd plugin folder into the %OutputGenDir%/data/%OT_Dir%/plugins folder, overwriting the existing copy.
      Note: Depending on your CCMS Output Generator configuration, the DITA-OT path might vary.
    2. Run the integrator to integrate the plugin.
  13. Review your work. It should resemble the figure below.
    Figure: Example emphasisDomain.mod file
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!-- ============================================================= -->
    <!--                     HEADER                                    -->
    <!--  ============================================================ -->
    <!--   MODULE:    DITA Emphasis Domain                             -->
    <!--   VERSION:   1.3                                              -->
    <!--   DATE:      October 2016                                     -->
    <!--                                                               -->
    <!--  ============================================================ -->
    <!-- ============================================================= -->
    <!--                    PUBLIC DOCUMENT TYPE DEFINITION            -->
    <!--                    TYPICAL INVOCATION                         -->
    <!--                                                               -->
    <!--  Refer to this file by the following public identifier or an 
          appropriate system identifier 
    PUBLIC "-//COMPANY//ELEMENTS Emphasis Domain//EN"
          Delivered as file "emphasisDomain.mod"                       -->
    <!-- ============================================================= -->
    <!--                   ELEMENT NAME ENTITIES                       -->
    <!-- ============================================================= -->
    <!ENTITY % em  "em"                                                  >
    <!-- ============================================================= -->
    <!--                    ELEMENT DECLARATIONS                       -->
    <!-- ============================================================= -->
    <!--                    LONG NAME: Emphasis name                   -->
    <!ENTITY % em.content
                           "(#PCDATA |
                             %draft-comment; |
                             %required-cleanup; |
    <!ENTITY % em.attributes
    <!ELEMENT  em %em.content;>
    <!ATTLIST  em %em.attributes;>
    <!-- ============================================================= -->
    <!--             SPECIALIZATION ATTRIBUTE DECLARATIONS             -->
    <!-- ============================================================= -->
    <!ATTLIST  em   %global-atts;  class CDATA "+ topic/keyword emphasis-d/em ">
    <!-- ================= End of DITA Emphasis Domain =============== -->

The emphasis domain specialization is ready, and your users can now add the <em> element to content in any context where users can add <keyword>.

Tip: You also need to add templates and CSS or attribute sets to your output plugins to properly format text in the <em> element.