Release a locked map, topic, or image

The Release command saves your latest modifications to the server and unlocks the file so other users can edit it. Document objects can only be released by the user who locked them.

In the case of a map, the release command updates changes to the map's structure. In the case of an XML topic, the release command validates the topic to ensure that references are correct and that the XML is well-formed. If your XML document has errors, you will be able to save it locally, but you will not be able to release it to the server.

The Release function is available from all views.

To release a document:

  1. Search to locate the map, topic, or image you want to release.
  2. Select one or more objects to release.
  3. Right-click and select Release.
    The Release dialog box appears:
    Figure: Releasing a topic

  4. Do one of the following to describe the changes since the last update:
    • In the Comment field, manually enter a comment.
    • From the Choose a previously entered comment drop-down list, select a comment the you recently used when releasing another object.
    • In the Preset comments area, select one or more preset comments.
    Note: If preset comments have not been configured, the Preset comments area will be blank.
  5. Optional: If you are using a bug tracking system (such as JIRA or Bugzilla), add the bug number(s) for the bugs you are fixing in the Tracker link field.
    A link to the bug will be added to the Release History. To add more than one bug, separate them by a comma without spaces.
  6. Optional: To update the document without releasing it, select Keep locked.
  7. Optional: Check or clear the Substantial Change checkbox.
    Note: The Substantial Change checkbox is selected by default. This checkbox flags the object as having a major change, which requires it to go through the entire review process. It must advance through each status until it reaches the final status of the workflow. This flag cannot be removed until the object completes the review process.

    However, if the changes to the object were minor, you can clear the Substantial Change checkbox. This lets you move the document more directly to the final status of the workflow (depending on the configuration of your workflow), and the document will not appear in SMEs' Todo lists.

  8. Click OK.
    The document is updated in the repository of your Content Store. If you release a document that has not been changed, the lock is simply removed; no new document version is created in the Content Store. If you did not keep the file locked (Step 5), the file properties are displayed in black text in the various views.

    The comment you specified appears under Last User Comment in Todo Lists, as well as in the other places that file properties are displayed, such as Search Results view and DITA Map view.