Search Results view operations

When the search is done, the results appear in the Search Results view, where you can refine and work with the results.

The table describes the different ways you can manipulate search results. The prerequisite to all tasks in the table is that you perform a search and have the Search Results view open in the DITA perspective.

Operation Description Steps Results
Locate search results topics in a map This feature is particularly useful with large and complex maps.
  1. Open the map in the DITA Map view.
  2. Search the repository for the files that meet your search criteria.
  3. In the Search Results view, right-click the topic(s) and choose Select in Map.
The topic is highlighted in the map.
Selected topics in map
Clear Search Results view This procedure is useful if you are appending search results and want to clear the Search Results view.

Click the Clear Results button (Results clear icon).

All values are cleared from the Search Results view.
Filter search results This procedure limits the number of documents displayed in the Search Results view. Filtering is performed on the first column of the display. By default, this is the Title of the document, but it may be configured otherwise.

In the filter field, enter all or part of the document title.

Displays the documents whose titles match the search string. The screen shot below shows the documents displayed for a string "col":
filter results
Export search results You can export search results and save them in a file outside the repository in three different formats: Tab Separated Value (TSV), Extensible Markup Language (XML), and Spreadsheet (XLS) file. These formats can be imported into other programs such as spreadsheet etc.
  1. In the Search Results view, click the Export Search Results button (
    Results export icon
  2. Confirm or change the proposed file name and location.
  3. Click Save.
The results are saved according to your preferred format.

Show only the most recent documents in the Localization or Published cycles. If you have developed a large body of published and localized documents, you may find it useful to exclude earlier versions from your search results.
  1. In the Search Results, click the Menu button (
    Down arrow
  2. Select Show Only Latest.
  3. Re-run the search.
The results are filtered so that only the more recent documents are listed.

Jump to a specific page in the search results. If your search returned many results, you can jump to a specific page in the search results.

Enter the page number in the page field at the bottom of the Search Results view.

The results for this page are displayed.