Find the location of a taxonomy term within a taxonomy

Use the Taxonomy Terms pane to determine where a specific term is located within a taxonomy.

  1. From the main menu, click Window > Show View > Other > Taxonomy Terms and click OK.
  2. Select one or more documents that contains the taxonomy term you want to locate.
    1. Locate the documents using a search query, map list, or other means.
    2. Drag the documents into the Documents pane.
    The Terms pane is populated with the taxonomy terms that have been added to these documents.
  3. Perform either or both of these steps as required:
    1. In the Terms pane, right-click one or more terms and choose Select in Taxonomy.
      The taxonomy structure in the Taxonomy pane expands, if necessary, and the selected terms are highlighted.
    2. In the Taxonomy pane, right click one or more terms and choose Select in Terms.
      If the menu option is dimmed, then none of the items in the Documents pane contain the term.
      The taxonomy structure in the Terms pane expands, if necessary, and the selected terms are highlighted.