Replace an image

You can replace an image in the repository with another, and you can also add different formats or resolutions of the same image for use with different output formats.

When you replace an image, the new image will be used by every topic where the image is referenced.

To replace an image:

  1. Use Search to find the image to edit.
  2. In the Search Results view, right-click the image and select Edit.
    The Progress Information dialog will be displayed as the file is locked and the Show/Edit Image dialog appears.
  3. Select the Format Name of the image to replace or add.

    Format names represent the different graphic formats or resolutions that your system uses with different types of output. The format names that you see will vary according to how your system is configured.

    If there is an image in the repository for a specific format name, that line is displayed in dark gray and details are provided about the image. A line with no details means that there is no image in the repository for that format. The default image is displayed in bold.

    Images area

  4. Click Import.
    The Open dialog appears.
  5. Go to the required image, select it, and click Open.
    The Confirm Overwrite dialog appears.
  6. Click Yes.
    The Show/Edit Image dialog reappears and the new image is displayed in green. The Image area displays the new image's Mime type, Width, and Height, and the image itself is previewed at the side.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Search Results view, right-click the image and select Release.
The new image replaces the old image in the repository. The new image will be used by every topic where the image is referenced.