The plugins collection

The plugins collection in the Repository contains various plugins, or collections of .dtd, .mod, and .ent files, that define additional topic types, elements or attributes for use in IXIA CCMS, in addition to those defined by the OASIS DITA DTDs. OASIS is the group who develops and maintains the DITA standard.

Important: Never modify or delete any files within the plugins. Create your own copies of the pertinent files and integrate the copies into your own topic and map shells. Refer to Integrating DTDs into IXIA CCMS for help.

Out of the box, this collection contains these five plugins:

  • com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd (DITA 1.2) or com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd (DITA 1.3)

    This plugin defines the default topic shell, IxiaDitabase.dtd, which incorporates all four DITA topic types into a single shell so that additional constraints and specializations can be easily integrated into all topic types in one step. Likewise, the plugin defines the map shell, IxiaMap.dtd, which serves the same purpose for maps. In addition, the plugin includes DTDs for several objects which are based on map specializations, such as project.dtd, build-manifest.dtd, referable-content.dtd, and snapshot.dtd. The specializations for image and resource metadata wrappers are in the imagemeta.dtd and resource.dtd plugins, respectively. The localization domain, which provides the ixia_locid attribute, is defined in the localizationDomain.ent plugin. The strictParaconstraint.mod and strictSectionConstraint.mod plugins define pre-configured constraints for the para and section elements, which you can integrate if you choose. There are a few other items, but those identified are important.

  • org.oasis-open.dita.v1_3 (DITA 1.3)

    This plugin contains the DITA 1.3 DTDs as supplied by OASIS.

  • org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes (DITA 1.2)

    This plugin defines the elements and attributes specific to MathML, an XML tagset used for defining complex mathematical equations.

  • org.w3c.mathml3 (DITA 1.2)

    This plugin integrates the elements and attributes defined in the org.oasis-open.dita.mathml.doctypes into IXIA CCMS.

  • org.w3c.svg1.0

    This plugin defines the elements and attributes specific to SVG version 1.0, an XML tagset used for defining vector images.

  • org.w3c.svg1.1

    This plugin defines the elements and attributes specific to SVG version 1.1.

CCMS is installed with a sixth plugin specific to you. Name it so that you can readily identify its, for example: com.[yourcompanyname].dita.dtd. This plugin contains your own topic and map shells to serve as the basis for any future specializations you might want to integrate.

If you have developed your own topic and map shells, or domain or attribute specializations, or want to integrate third-party specializations, MadCap Software recommends that you create a plugin and add that plugin to the system/plugins collection.