You can edit users.xml to create and configure users in IXIA CCMS Web.
From the Administration
menu, click User Management.
Click Edit.
A message appears saying "users.xml has been checked
Create a new user by creating a version of the following XML
code that is customized for your new user, replacing the content in square
<user active="true">
<first>[First Name of User]</first>
<last>[Last Name of User]</last>
<location>[Company Division or Geographic Location]</location>
<domain>[URL of Domain]</domain>
<login>[Set the User's Login]</login>
<type>[Email format, usually "text"]</type>
<role name="[Valid Role Name]"/>
<group name="[Valid Group Name]"/>
Once done, insert your modified code within users.xml, either immediately before or after
Note: If there are any errors in your XML, they are highlighted in red. Errors must be fixed prior to saving the users.xml file.
Click Save.
A message appears saying: "users.xml has been saved and
checked in."
The user has been added to the CCMS. Refresh the CCMS Web for the change to take effect.