Close a ticket

Whenever a ticket is resolved, you should close it so that your open ticket list shows only tickets that are still in progress and so that MadCap Software can have an accurate record of what issues and questions are still outstanding. If you enter a ticket in error, you can also close it.
Note: "Resolved" indicates that it was for a bug that was fixed in a subsequent release which is now available. You must still verify the fix or proposed solution and then close the case if you are satisfied that the issue is no longer present.
  1. Login to OTRS using your assigned username and password.
  2. Open the ticket you want to close.
  3. Click Respond to This Ticket or scroll down to the new message.
  4. Enter any comments about the ticket.
  5. In the Next state field, select
    • Closed successful if the ticket was resolved
    • Closed unsuccessful if the ticket was not resolved but no further action is required or appropriate
    Note: If you are closing a ticket entered in error, select Closed successful.
  6. Click Submit.