Best practice for Collaborative Review

The Collaborative Review (CR) feature is a great way to engage multiple users in discussion and to capture multiple feedback inputs, if you manage it well. Here is some guidance to assist you in optimizing your experience as you shepherd content through the CR process.

Note: A CR is a snapshot of the content at the time you created it.


Here are some best practice suggestions to consider as you prepare for a CR:

  • Confirm ahead of time that your identified reviewers have user accounts
  • Confirm user email notifications are set up and functioning
  • Possibly create a temporary map and add the objects you are adding or updating to it, rather than sending out the complete map where you also included the same objects. When you use this approach, the CR you create from the temporary map only contains the topics that require review.

At the time of creation

Here are some best practice suggestions to consider as you create a CR:

  • Use due dates to communicate deadlines
  • Use a consistent naming convention, such as [map title]_[product release]_[date].That way, for multiple rounds of reviews, it is easier to tell them apart.
  • Add ditavals when you create a CR so that your assigned users can see the final content output using conditional profiling attributes.
  • Use ditavals and conditional profiling attributes to create an output version that more effectively targets a group of subject matter experts (SMEs) with focused content.

During and after active review

Here are some best practice suggestions to consider once the CR is active:

  • Encourage reviewers to mark themselves as finished to assist you in managing the CR.
  • Consider closing a CR and creating a new one if there is a significant amount of input from the first few reviewers.
    Note: Because a CR is a snapshot, reviewers do not see changes you implement after receiving feedback.
  • Move the CR to In Discussion status to work with annotations. It stops reviewers from adding new annotations as you resolve the existing ones.
  • Move the CR to a Done status once you finish, so that reviewers no longer see it as an assignment.