Use Oxygen Web Author styles

Web Author includes a number of additional styles that you can apply to topics and maps while you are editing. These styles are implemented using CSS files that exist in the framework. If you want to hide any of these options or create additional options of your own, you can do so through your custom framework.

The additional styles are strictly appearance-based and do not make any changes to your content or appear in output. There is no harm in turning them on and off to see what effects they have in your onscreen topic or map display.

To use Oxygen Web Author styles:

  1. Open the topic in Oxygen Web Author.
  2. Click the More menu on the Oxygen toolbar.
  3. Choose the onscreen styles that assist you in best using the tool.
    Onscreen formatting updates to the style you selected.
    Table 1. Default Additional Styles
    Style Result
    Full width (topic, map) Expands the Web author editing area, extending it from the left edge to the Details panel on the right
    Hide prolog (topic) Shows or hides the <prolog> element in Author view
    Hide index terms (topic) Shows or hides <indexterm> elements in Author view
    Colored revision changes
    Formats the content of elements that have the status attribute applied, based on the value of the attribute:
    • New text is light green with an underline format
    • Deleted text is light salmon with a strike-through format
    • Changed text is dark pink with an underline format
    • Unchanged text is dark yellow
    Note: This attribute is added manually by the user. The CCMS does not add it automatically.
    Codeblock syntax highlight (topic) Color-codes various types of programming syntax in <codeblock> elements based on an <outputclass> that identifies the syntax:
    • <language-xquery>
    • <language-java>
    • <language-css>
    • <language-javascript>
    • <language-json>
    • <language-sql>
    • <language-c>
    • <language-cpp>
    • <language-python>
    • <language-perl>
    • <language-bourne>
    • <language-php>
    • <language-yaml>
    • <language-dtd>
    • <language-cmd>
    • <language-powershell>
    Show table column specifications Shows or hides the <colspec> element and its values for each column in a table, allowing easier editing of these values in Author view
    Hide draft comments (topic) Shows or hides <draft-comment> elements in Author view.
    Hide XML comments (topic) Shows or hides XML comments in Author view and take the form <!--Here is a comment-->
    Note: Although Oxygen chooses to display them with a #comment tag, they are not elements.
    Hints (topic) Shows or hides authoring hints for various elements in Author view
    Inline actions Shows or hides suggestions for additional elements that can be inserted in Author view
    Inline insertion actions (topic) For certain elements, displays an icon with a list of suggested elements to insert in that context
    Hide topicmeta (map) Shows or hides the <topicmeta> element in Content view
    Edit topicref attributes in place (map) Displays an edit icon, allows the direct edit of map element attributes in Content view
    Hide containerref (map, DRM only) (Custom CCMS style) Hides the <containerref> element in Content view