Password requirements (SaaS deployments)

For security reasons, user passwords for remote desktop in dedicated SaaS deployments must be complex and require regular update.

Password complexity

IXIA CCMS requires that passwords for users in dedicated SaaS deployments meet the following standards:

  • Includes a minimum 8 characters, potentially more, based on your company requirements
  • Excludes your name, username, and domain name
  • Excludes spaces
  • Contains characters from three of the following four categories:

    • Uppercase alphabet (A–Z)
    • Lowercase alphabet (a–z)
    • Arabic numerals (0–9)
    • Legal non-alphanumerics ~!#$%^*?_-+=

Password expiration and reuse

Passwords expire at regular intervals determined by your company and MadCap Software. You can ask your administrator for the password expiration policy of your company.

You cannot reuse any of the last 24 passwords you already used, also known as your history requirement. Your company might set even higher history requirements.

Note: Inactivity does not influence password expiration.