View a list of assigned reviewers or approvers

You can view a list of reviewers or approvers assigned to an object, number of added content annotations, and if the approvers you assigned to the object approved or rejected the content.

To view a list of assigned reviewers or approvers:

  1. Locate the assignment from anywhere you see it, such as the My Assignments page, Favorites side panel, or Dependencies view.
  2. Depending on where you see the assignment, view the assigned users:
    Pages with a Dynamic Grid
    1. In the Assignees column, view a list of the assigned users .
    2. in the Assignees column, click Information icon to see the user's role. If the user has marked a review as finished, there is also a Finished check mark next to the user name.
    Other views and pages
    1. Click the object icon or click the Collaborative Review (CR) or Approvals row.
    2. Beside the name of a role, click Information icon to see the users assigned for the related role and the following:
      • For the CR row, the total number of annotations.
      • For Approvals row, the total number of approvals or rejections.
    3. Beside the Approved or Rejected status, click Information icon to identify which assigned users approved or rejected the content.
  3. Optional: To copy a user's email address, click Copy Email icon or the icon with the user's initials.