Add an image format

You can save each image object with up to three different formats and also store its related source file in Image Editor.

Note: To add an image format, you must check out the image.

The first format created for an image is automatically the initial default. An image uses the default format when it appears in a topic in IXIA CCMS Web and in all outputs, unless you specify another format.

You can have one image for each of the following formats:

  • HiRes
  • LowRes
  • Source
Note: The format does not limit what kinds of file types you can add. Each format supports all the common image file types.

To add an image format:

  1. In Image Editor, find the format you want to add a new image for.
  2. Click Plus icon.
  3. Find and select the new image.
  4. Click Open.
  5. Optional: If you want to make the new image the default format, click the radio button beside the name of the format.
    An image with the format you selected is created, and if you chose it as the new default format for that image, it is the new default format.