Edit an object in DRM

In IXIA Dynamic Release Management (DRM), if you edit an object in more than one Branch, you can choose whether to edit the object in some or all of the branches that use it.

Objekte können in mehreren Verzweigungen enthalten sein, und IXIA CCMS Web verfolgt alle Verzweigungen, die das Objekt enthalten. Dazu zählen Topics, Grafiken und Maps. Wenn Sie ein Objekt in mehreren Verzweigungen bearbeiten, können Sie eine bestimmte Verzweigung auswählen, die das zu bearbeitende Topic enthält.

If you choose to edit the object in only some branches, then the object is forked. This means a new instance of the object is created in the branches that you selected, and all your changes apply to this new instance. However, the object remains the same in the branches that you did not select. Two instances of the object now exist, and you can update them independently.

Important: Connection to a context map during edits is important. Without a context map, you cannot insert elements such as images, conrefs, or xrefs. Without a context map, you cannot insert a reference from the topic to any other reference and you cannot resolve any existing references.
Note: A map is never in more than one branch. Each branch always has its own instance of a map.

Nicht verfügbare Verzweigungen

In einigen Fällen können Sie einige Verzweigungen möglicherweise nicht auswählen. Verzweigungen können aus verschiedenen Gründen nicht verfügbar sein:
  • Der Typ der Verzweigung verhindert die Bearbeitung, beispielsweise bei Closed-Verzweigungen.
  • Das Objekt kann aufgrund von Content Level Security nicht bearbeitet werden.

In this case, you must fork the object. You cannot edit the object in all branches because you cannot select some branches. However, you can still choose which branches to fork in if more than one branch is available.

Automatic forking

CCMS Web automatically forks objects in some situations to simplify managing content across multiple branches. For example, if an object is in multiple read-only branches and only one branch allows editing, the object is automatically forked when you edit it. However, you still receive notification before an object is automatically forked.

Note: Some users do not have the access rights to edit objects across multiple branches. CCMS Web automatically forks objects whenever these users try to edit an object in more than one branch. The object is always forked in whatever assignment or context they are working within.