Change the status of an object

After you complete content development for an object, you can shift it to the next possible status in its workflow.

Objects have a related workflow so you can track the status of an object at any time. However, objects can be dependent on other components, so changing the status of an object may require you to change the status of other objects. For example, a topic might contain images. After you move the object, the software identifies any dependencies that also require a status change before you can change the status of the current object. In such a case, you will receive a notification informing you of those dependencies.

You can perform a Move action from anywhere you see the Move icon icon, such as the My Assignments page, your Favorites side panel, or in an object editor. However, users can only change the status of an object if they have the access rights and the assignment allows it.

Note: When you move an object to the next status, you move it for all users assigned to it. You should only move an object to the next status when all assigned users for that status have completed their work on it.

To change the status of an object:

  1. Click Move icon.

    The Move dialog appears. All the drop-down menus and fields are optional.

  2. From the Status drop-down list, select the next status you want.
  3. In the Comment field, add a comment.
    This comment is added to the revision history of the object.
  4. Click Move.
    The object status is changed.
If there are dependencies of the object that must also change status, you will receive one of two possible notifications.
  • If you can move all the dependencies of the object that need to change status, you receive the Move Dependencies notification.
  • If there are any dependencies that you cannot move, you receive the Dependencies Preventing the Move notification.

Use either notification to get more information about the dependencies, resolve any issues, or move the dependencies.