Edit a map

Maps provide structure to documents. Editing a map allows you to change the structure of a document.

You can use Map Editor for the following tasks:

  • Add or remove existing topics to the map
  • Change the ordering of the topics within the map
  • Create new topics and add them to the map
  • Edit the title of the map

Check out a map

To edit a map, you must check it out and open it in Map Editor.

To check out a map, choose an action based on your situation:

  • Click Edit icon for a map anywhere you see the icon to edit the map, such as on your My Assignments page or in your Favorites side panel.
  • If the map Map Editor is in read-only mode, you can also click Edit to check out the map.

Access a Map Editor view

You have access to two different views in Map Editor. You can freely switch between them.

View Description
Content view The default view for maps. This view integrates Oxygen Web Author and has more features.

By default, the View Topic Content display mode is enabled so you can see the content of all the topics in the map. You can also enable the View Topic References display mode to work with elements in the map.

Note: For very large maps, you may not be able to view the topic content with the View Topic Content display mode. The Content view will default to the View Topic References mode.
Structure view This view is a streamlined editor, which simplifies working with maps. You can use it to make simple changes to the structure of a map.