Types of dependencies

Each object type has different types and, possibly, subtypes of dependencies.

Note: In Dependencies view, if any type does not have a subtype, then no subtype bubbles are displayed. In this case, all the objects with that type of dependency are usually all the same type of object.

The following table lists the types and subtypes of dependencies for each object type:

Object Types of Dependencies
Approvals Approval of: The map the Approval is made from.
Collaborative Reviews Collaborative Review of: The map the Collaborative Review is made from.
  • Referenced by: The maps that the ditaval is referenced in.
  • Instances / Clones: Clones of the ditaval or instances of it in other branches, divided into these subtypes:
    • Other Instances: Other instances of the ditaval in other Branches.
    • Cloned from: The ditaval that the current ditaval is cloned from.
    • Cloned to: Other ditavals made from the current ditaval.
  • Referenced by: The topics and referable content that the image is used in.
  • Instances / Clones: Clones of the image or instances of it in other branches, divided into these subtypes:
    • Other Instances: Other instances of the image in other Branches.
    • Cloned from: The image that the current image is cloned from.
    • Cloned to: Other clones made from the current image.
  • Referenced by: Other objects that reference or contain the map.
  • References: Other objects that are referenced by or contained in the map, divided into these subtypes:
    • Ditavals: Ditavals in the map.
    • Resources: Resources in the map.
    • Maps: Submaps included in the map.
    • Topics: Topics in the map.
    • Topics in relationship tables: Topics referenced in the relationship table of the map.
    • Content references: Referable content used in the map.
  • Instances / Clones: Clones of the map or instances of it in other branches, divided into these subtypes:
    • Other Instances: Other instances of the map in other Branches.
    • Cloned from: The map that the current map is cloned from.
    • Cloned to: Other clones made from the current map.
  • Approvals / Collaborative Reviews: Approvals and Collaborative Reviews made from the map, sorted into each object type.
  • Snapshots: Snapshots of the map.
  • Referenced by: Other objects that contain or reference the resource, divided into these subtypes:
    • Maps: Maps that include the resource.
    • Topics: Topics that reference this resource.
    • Cross references / Related links: Other objects that link to the resource by cross reference or related link.
  • Instances / Clones: Clones of the resource or instances of it in other branches, divided into these subtypes:
    • Other Instances: Other instances of the resource in other Branches.
    • Cloned from: The resource that the current topic is cloned from.
    • Cloned to: Other clones made from the current resource.
  • Snapshot of: The map that the snapshot was created from.
Subject Schemes
  • Referenced by: Other objects that reference the Subject Scheme.
  • References: Other objects that the Subject Scheme references.
  • Instances / Clones: Clones of the Subject Scheme or instances of it in other branches, divided into these subtypes:
    • Other Instances: Other instances of the Subject Scheme in other Branches.
    • Cloned from: The Subject Scheme that the current Subject Scheme is cloned from.
    • Cloned to: Other clones made from the current Subject Scheme.
Topics and referable content
  • Referenced by: Other objects that contain or reference the topic or referable content, divided into these subtypes:
    • Maps: Maps that include the topic or reference the topic in a relationship table.
    • Cross references / Related links: Other topics that link to the topic by cross reference or related link.
    • Content references: Topics that reuse content from this topic or referable content.
  • References: Other objects that the topic contains or references divided into these subtypes:
    • Images: Images in the topic.
    • Cross references / Related links: The other topics that the current topic links to through cross references or related links.
    • Content references: Referable content that the topic reuses content from.
  • Instances / Clones: Clones of the topic or instances of it in other branches, divided into these subtypes:
    • Other Instances: Other instances of the topic in other Branches.
    • Cloned from: The topic that the current topic is cloned from.
    • Cloned to: Other clones made from the current topic.