Configure a ditaval

You can add, remove, or modify the rules in a ditaval using the Ditaval Editor. The rules tell CCMS Web how to handle conditional profiling attributes when generating an output.

A ditaval is a set of rules that specify which values for conditional profiling attributes CCMS Web must include or exclude when generating an output.

The Ditaval Editor is like a simplified version of Topic Editor with only the required controls need to configure a ditaval.

To configure a ditaval:

  1. In Ditaval Editor, click +....
  2. From the drop-down list, select +filter.
    A filter row is added to the ditaval in a <prop> element.
  3. From the first drop-down list, select how to handle content that matches the conditional profiling attribute and its value.

    You can choose any of the following:

    • Flag: content is included, but it is flagged in the output through formatting. If you select this, you have additional options about how to format the flagged content. You can choose the style, color, and background to use.
    • Include: content is included in the output.
    • Exclude: content is excluded from the output.
    • Passthrough: content is included in the output and also retains the condition as part of the output.
  4. From the second drop-down list, select the attribute.
    Available attributes depends on what is configured in your system. Typical attributes include things like audience, platform, and product.
  5. In the field, enter the value of the attribute you want to match for.
    Note: If you do not set any value for the attribute, the action you picked will be applied to all matching attributes with any value. This is a quick way of including or excluding attributes entirely from an output.
  6. Optional: To add a description for a ditaval that does not have one, do the following:
    1. After the title, click Add Description.
      A shortdesc element appears.
    2. In the shortdesc element, enter a description for the ditaval.
    The description will appear in menus where the ditaval appears, such as in Search.
  7. To save your changes and make them usable, click Check in.
You can now apply your current configuration of the ditaval when generating output. You can see a quick summary of the configuration of the ditaval in the expanded row for it in Search.