View information about selected objects

You can view information about objects using the Information view.

The Information view is updated whenever you select an object in any view.

To view information about an object:

  1. To display the Information view, from the menu bar select Window > Show View > Other.
    The Show View window is displayed.
  2. Expand IXIA CCMS - General, select Information, and click OK.
    The Information view is displayed.
  3. Select an object in any of the views (DITA Map, Search Results, Dependencies, etc.).
    The Information view is updated and provides details about the selected object.
  4. To customize the information displayed in the Information view:
    1. Click the Show/Hide Sections button (Show/Hide Sections) in the top-right corner of the view.
    2. Customize the options as follows:
      • Display All Values: Clear this option to hide the values section.
      • Display Parents: Clear this option to hide the parents section.
      • Show Empty Values: Clear this option to see only the fields with available values.

      The view is updated with your changes.

By default, the Information view is updated whenever you select an object in any view. You can disable this behavior by pinning a specific document in the view.