Re-importing and updates to existing files

The Import dialog allows you to choose whether you want to overwrite content that was previously imported or import the file as a new object.

IXIA CCMS Desktop uses the following two indexes to identify whether the file already exists as an object in the Content Store:

  • originalFileName: tracks the original names of files that were imported
  • originalRelativePath: tracks the path of the file relative to its map

When you import a document with Update existing documents selected, the system determines if this document already exists by checking the following:

  1. The system checks the originalFileName index for a match to an existing object.
  2. If the Use relative path along with file name to match documents to update option is selected, the system also checks the originalRelativePath index to verify if the base path of the imported file matches the base path of the object in the Content Store.

When a match is confirmed, the existing object is updated with the content from the imported file. Once imported, all objects begin in the Authoring:work state (or the equivalent initial workflow status for that object type in your deployment).

Note: Before the object can be updated through importing, it must have the following:
  • It must be in a lockable state (for example Authoring:work).
  • It must not be locked by another user.

IXIA CCMS Desktop does not automatically change the state of an existing object to allow the update since a status change may trigger a cascade of status changes in other objects.

If the existing object is not in a lockable state, the existing object is not updated and the “Existing file NOT replaced” message is displayed in the Import dialog.

Images with multiple resolutions

When you import an image to replace an image in a multiple resolution image object, all the formats are replaced by the imported image. For example, suppose you have an existing multiple resolution image object containing a high resolution JPEG image and a low resolution PNG image. If you import an image with the same image ID as the existing image object, the high resolution JPEG image and a low resolution PNG image will both be replaced by the imported image.

External documents

When you re-import an external document, this option is always enabled and the existing document and its children (if any) are always updated.

The existing external document also does not need to be in a lockable state: it can be updated while in Authoring:readonly.