Launch and configure access for CCMS Desktop

The first time that you open IXIA CCMS Desktop, or if you are working in a new workspace, you must enter your access information.

Depending on your confirmation, once the information is validated, you may be logged in automatically whenever you open IXIA CCMS Desktop from your workstation. If the administrator has disabled auto-login, you will need to connect to the servers every time that you log in.

Note: If you log in from another workstation, you will need to enter your login information. You may also need to log in if someone else has logged in to your workstation in your absence.
Important: If the CCMS Desktop was configured to launch using preconfigured settings, follow the instructions in Launch CCMS Desktop for the first time. Using preconfigured settings when launching CCMS Desktop automatically configures the user profile with all the required settings, which saves users from entering them manually.

To log in:

  1. Open CCMS Desktop.
  2. From the Global Actions menu bar, click the Connection Information button: or select Window > Preferences > IXIA CCMS
    The Preferences window opens:
    Figure: User and connection preferences

  3. Enter your user information:
    1. Domain: Enter your local domain.
    2. Username: Enter your network login name.
    3. Password: Enter your network password.
    Note: By default, your username and password for TEXTML Server and IXIA CCMS are the same as your system username and password.
  4. Enter your TEXTML Server connection information:
    1. Security: If your deployment is securing communications using SSL, select Use SSL Connection.
    2. Hostname: Enter the name of your TEXTML Server.
    3. Port: Enter the TEXTML Server port number (2500 by default). If your deployment is using SSL, enter the secure port.
    4. Document base: Enter the name of your Content Store.
      Note: The Major version radio button indicates the current TEXTML Server major version.
  5. Enter the Output Generator information:
    1. Hostname: Enter the name of the server hosting the Output Generator.
    2. Port: Enter the Output Generator port number (1500 by default).
    3. Monitor Port: Enter the local port where output generation progress is sent. Unless specified otherwise by your CMS administrator, enter 0.
  6. Click Apply.
    Your access information is saved and for subsequent sessions you will be automatically logged in.
  7. Click OK to close the window.
    Note: Logging off is automatic when you close the CCMS Desktop. CCMS Desktop remembers the perspectives you opened for your next work session.