Create a reusable component (conref)

You store reusable components in a topic of type referable-content so that you can search for them with the Referable-Content view and insert them into other topics.

The referable-content topic specialization is designed specifically to store reusable components. You can then use the Referable-Content view to search reusable components and reuse them in other topics.

Referable-content topics are created like any other topic. Simply select the specialized template (referable-content.xml) when you create a topic.

The referable-content topic supports all valid DITA elements.

To create a reusable component:

  1. Create a topic of type referable-content.
  2. Open the referable-content topic in your XML editor.
  3. Place your cursor inside the <rcbody> element.
  4. Enter the text you want to reuse in other topics.
    You can use any valid XML element. You could, for example, create the following note:
    <note>To use Kerberos authentication, the client application and TEXTML Server 
    must be running on Windows. Linux is not supported. 
  5. In the opening tag of the source text, insert an ID attribute.
    For example, you might use the string "kerberos_prerequisites", which would give you the following code:
    <note id="kerberos_prerequisites">To use Kerberos authentication, the 
          client application and TEXTML Server must be running on Windows. Linux is not supported. 
    Note: The IXIA CCMS Desktop will automatically insert an ID to any element that is a direct child of <rcbody> when you release the topic. If you prefer, you can use these automatic IDs instead of inserting your own.
  6. Save and release the referable-content topic.
  7. Add the topic to a referable component library map.

You can now use the Referable-Content view to search for the reusable content and add it to your topics.