View image thumbnails

Thumbnails give you a quick way of viewing the contents of an image file.

Even if the Preview view is closed, you can still quickly view a thumbnail of an image that's listed in the Search Results view, your Todo List, or any other place where you can open image documents.

Note: Some administrators disable image thumbnails to improve performance of IXIA CCMS Desktop. Check with your administrator if this feature is enabled.
A thumbnail is generated:
  • The first time an image is displayed in the preview pane.
  • When a new image is created.
  • When the image is edited in the Edit Image dialog.

Once a thumbnail has been created, it is stored on the server and becomes available to all users the next time their thumbnails are synchronized. Thumbnails are synchronized every 30 minutes.

  1. If necessary, click the Turn on thumbnails button (image icon new).
    The views that support image thumbnails all have this button in their frames.
  2. Hover your cursor over the image you want to view.
    The image thumbnail appears in a new window. If the following message is displayed:
    Thumbnail not available

    Then the thumbnail hasn't been synchronized yet. It should be available in the next 30 minutes.