Edit a resource item

You can edit one of the items in a resource—such as a Word file—from within the DITA Perspective using your default editor.

Note: An editor must be associated with the extension of the file type you intend to edit.
  1. Use Search to find the resource to edit.
  2. In the Search Results view, right-click the resource and select Edit from the menu.
    The Progress Information dialog is displayed while the file is locked and the Show/Edit Resource dialog then appears.
  3. Select the Item name to edit.
  4. Click Edit.
    The document opens in the default editor specified for this type of file. For example, a .doc or .docx file might open in Microsoft Word, and a .pdf file might open in Adobe Acrobat. Note that you must have associated an editor with the extension of the file type you intend to edit.
  5. Make the required changes to the document and save it as you normally would in the editor (using CTRL+S in Word, for example).
  6. Close the document.
  7. In the IXIA CCMS Desktop Show/Edit Resource dialog, click OK.
  8. In the Search Results view, right-click the resource and select Release from the menu.
The edited document replaces the previous document in the repository and all descriptive information is saved.