Product information

This topic describes the structure of a product XML file.

When you create a product, you specify the following fields:
  • Product name
  • Product description
You can also enter information into other fields, such as the product line or alias, when you edit the product file. They are described below.
Note: Some of the fields must not be modified manually (such as the releases that a product contains), otherwise the Content Store will be corrupted. Please contact IXIASOFT before modifying the product file manually.

By default, IXIA CCMS checks that product names are unique within a deployment, but you can configure it so that other fields in the .product file are unique as well. See the Administration Guide for IXIA CCMS for the procedure.


Name Description Content model
Product Root element of product definition files. Provides a unique ID for each product definition file.

Do not modify this element.

Product name Current product name.
For example:
<name>Acme Lite</name>
Product code Unique code for each product.
For example:
Product code alias

Internal code or past codes of the product.

For example:
Product description A short description of the product.
For example:
<description>Documentation for the Acme Lite application</description>
Product aliases Internal names or past names of the product.
For example:
  <alias>DITA Framework</alias>
Product line name Name of the product line that this product belongs to. The <productline> element represents a group of products, primarily used for searches and filters.
For example:
<linename>UX Application</linename>
Product line code Unique code for the product line
For example:
Product line alias Internal or past names of the product line.
For example:
<linealias>DITA Framework</linealias>
Components List of components that make up a product, primarily used for searches and filters.
Component code Unique code for the component.
For example:
Components name Name for the component.
For example:
<componentname>DITA Generator</componentname>	
Related products Link to related products.
For example:
  <relatedproduct mapref="cgl1441803373007.product"/>
Releases Links to releases of this product. The attribute value of this field needs to be unique within each product file.

Do not modify this field.



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE product PUBLIC "-//IXIA//DTD Product//EN" "product.dtd">
<product base="" id="xzc1441205197328" xml:lang="en-us">
	<name>Acme Lite</name>
		<description>Documentation for the Acme Lite application</description>
			<alias>DITA Framework</alias>
				<linename>UX Application</linename>
				<linealias>DITA Framework</linealias>
			<componentname>DITA Generator</componentname>
		<relatedproduct mapref="cgl1441803373007.product"/>
		<release href="zbv1441205235251.release"/>
		<release href="yvp1441205242695.release"/>
		<release href="wes1452022759254.release"/>