Add a pre-configured row to a reltable

Use this procedure to add a pre-configured row to a reltable in your DITA map.

The map must be locked.

IXIA CCMS lets you insert a pre-configured row of type CRT Row.xml into your reltables.This type of row contains three cells, whose type attributes are set to concept, reference, or task, respectively.

Note: The exact configuration of available pre-formatted rows may vary with your installation, all the details are configurable. New templates can also be created for your environment. See the Administration Guide for IXIA CCMS for more information.

The number of cells per row and their type are configurable and may vary with your setup.

  1. Open the Reltable Editing Perspective.
  2. In the Table display area of the Reltable Editing view, highlight the table where you want to add the row.
  3. Right-click, then select Insert Row > CRT Row.xml.
    Note: Other options may be available according to your configuration.

    add typed reltable row

    A dialog box appears, asking you to enter a name for the row.

  4. Enter a name and click OK.
A new row of the selected variety is added to the reltable.