Run the integrator on the DITA-OT

Any time you make a change to the DITA-OT, you need to run the integrator.

For example, if you add new plug-ins, make changes to existing plug-ins, or use a different version of the DITA-OT for your transformation scenarios, you need to run the integrator on the DITA-OT.

IXIASOFT provides the _DITA-OT-2.5.4-install.bat file in the %OutputGenDir%/data/ directory to help you run the integration. It is named to correspond to the version of the DITA-OT it uses (DITA-OT 2.5.4). DITA-OT 2.5.4 is installed with IXIA CCMS Output Generator 7.1.

Note: If you are using a different version of DITA-OT, you must create your own batch file by making a copy of one of the existing files above and update the DITA-OT version inside the file to point to the correct DITA-OT path.
To run the integrator on the DITA-OT:
Operating systemSteps
On Windows
  1. In the %OutputGenDir%/data/ directory, find the _DITA-OT-2.5.4-install.bat batch file.
  2. Edit the batch file, and set the Java home environment variable, JAVA_HOME, to point to your Java installation directory.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. In the %OutputGenDir%/data/ directory, double-click the _DITA-OT-2.5.4-install.bat file.
On Linux
  1. In the %OutputGenDir%/data/ directory, find the batch file.
  2. Edit the batch file, and set the Java home environment variable, JAVA_HOME, to point to your Java installation directory.
  3. Save and close the file.
  4. In the %OutputGenDir%/data/ directory, run the file.

The integration build runs. Once complete, you see the message BUILD SUCCESSFUL.