Update CCMS Web

Updating IXIA CCMS Web is mostly done by the installation script.

In this procedure, %InstallDir% is the folder where the previous version of CCMS Web Server is installed. The default installation directory is:
  • On Windows: c:\Ixiasoft\ccms
  • On Linux: /opt/ixiasoft/ccms
Note: You must manually delete or correct any duplicate active users in IXIA CCMS Web. The Web Installer will detect active duplicate users it finds, as well as report them and temporarily deactivate them for the web connection. You can delete them once installation is complete.

Also, DTDs are validated at install and at start up.

  1. Download and unzip the package:
    1. Go to the 7.1 area of the MadCap Software Downloads site:
    2. Click the CCMS_Web folder.
    3. Enter the user name and password given to you by IXIA CCMS Sales.
    4. Click the latest .zip file of the installation package.
      where the platform is either windows or linux and version is the latest build version of the installation package
      For example, IXIASOFT-CCMS-Web-windows-1.2.3.zip
    5. Extract the zip file to a temporary folder on the local drive.
      Important: Do not use spaces in the path or file name.
      Important: Do not extract to a location that would result in a long path.
  2. Optional: In the location where you extracted the package, open and edit the properties.txt file in a text editor if required.
    Important: For existing parameters, the installation script will reuse any existing values you set in the previous version of CCMS Web. You do not need to update them unless you want to change your configuration.
  3. Optional: Make a full copy of the folder for the current CCMS Web installation.
    MadCap Software recommends having a full copy of the existing folder as it simplifies reverting the changes if required.
  4. Run the installation script.
    Note: When upgrading to CCMS Web 7.1, the installation script uninstalls the current versions of Java, Tomcat, and Oxygen.


    The new version of Java is a local JDK that comes with the installation package, and it runs independently of what is installed on the server. No action is required.


    The re-installation resets the Tomcat configuration. If you have modified the Tomcat configuration, save those values somewhere before running the installation script so you can reconfigure Tomcat afterwards.


    The installer creates a backup of the oxygenworkspace folder for the Oxygen configuration, which includes frameworks and plugins. No action is required to save values for the Oxygen configuration, but you must re-install all these additional frameworks and plugins after the update.

    • Windows: Open a command prompt using Run as administrator, navigate to the folder where you extracted the installation script, and enter:
      WindowsInstall.bat <InstallDir>
    • Linux: Run the following command as root:
      sh ./LinuxInstall.sh <InstallDir>
  5. Verify that the script was successful:
    1. In the folder where you extracted the installation script, open the installation.log file in a text editor.
    2. Scroll to the end of the log and look for the message Update successful.
      If the Update successful message is missing, the installation failed.
  6. If the installation failed, do the following:
    1. Retrieve the properties from the previous installation, which is saved in the installation source folder in the file properties.txt.automerged.
      This is the same folder where WindowsInstaller.bat is located.
    2. Clean-up the target folder if there are still files there.
    3. Do a fresh install of CCMS Web 7.1.
      For more details, see the guide: Installing IXIA CCMS Web.
    4. Reinstall your Oxygen frameworks and plugins, which the Web Installer saved in the backup folder.
      The Web Installer backs them up, it but does not automatically re-install them.
    5. If you modified the Tomcat configuration for your previous CCMS Web installation, you must reconfigure Tomcat.
  7. Verify that CCMS Web is at the correct version and is working:
    1. Navigate to the URL for CCMS Web, which uses the following pattern:
      http://[host name]:TOMCAT_HTTP_PORT/
      For example:
    2. On the login page, verify that the Version indicates 7.1.
    3. Log in and verify that the first page opens as expected.
  8. Reinstall your Oxygen frameworks and plugins, which the Web Installer saved in the backup folder.
    The Web Installer backs them up, it but does not automatically re-install them.