IXIASOFT CCMS Output Generator

The IXIA CCMS Output Generator executes the transformation process from DITA to the specified output type (PDF, HTML, XML, CHM, etc.).

The IXIA CCMS Output Generator is a centralized server that ensures that users generate their outputs using the same style sheets. Its multi-threaded architecture allows users to generate multiple outputs simultaneously.

The IXIA CCMS Output Generator works as follows:
  1. It retrieves from the Content Store the objects to be transformed.
  2. It saves the files to a working folder.
  3. It calls all the tasks defined in the conductor file to transform the DITA files.
  4. When the transformation is completed, it zips the generated output and either returns it to IXIA CCMS Desktop or saves it to the Application Server forIXIA CCMS Web Server.

Any process can be defined in the conductor file to achieve the final transformation to the selected rendered output. The process can be a DITA Open Toolkit script (provided in the CCMS installation) or a custom build script. Also, the rendering engine for PDF can be customized to Antenna House, RenderX, or Apache FOP.