Start the Ixiasoft Output Generator service in Windows

This procedure describes how to start the Ixiasoft Output Generator service in Windows.

Note: The service name is the one you specified in the CCMS Output Generator's configuration file. This procedure uses the default windows service name: Ixiasoft Output Generator.
  1. Start IXIA TEXTML Server.
  2. On the CCMS Output Generator server, click Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools.
  3. Double-click Services.
    The Services dialog opens.
  4. By default, the service is run as the Local System account. To run the service as another user, double-click the Ixiasoft Output Generator service in the services list.
    The Properties dialog open.
  5. Click the Log On tab and enter the information for the user account.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Select the Ixiasoft Output Generator service in the services list.
  8. Click Start the service.

    The Status column changes to Started for Ixiasoft Output Generator.

    Ixiasoft Output Generator is now able to receive requests.

  9. To confirm that the Ixiasoft Output Generator started correctly, open the %OutputGenDir%/logs/wrapper.log file.
    For example:
    You should see the following message:
    Ixiasoft Output Generator is ready to process requests

If this message is not displayed, the log should provide more information about why the service cannot start the CCMS Output Generator.