Integrating specializations

IXIA CCMS Desktop is flexible enough to integrate any topic, map, domain, or attribute specialization that conforms to standard DITA specialization practices.

When integrating a topic or map specialization, be aware of the element that the specialization uses for the topic or map title. Some specializations go off on a bit of a title tangent, using elements or attributes that are not specializations or extensions of the base <title> element or title attribute.

If this is the case, you might find that you cannot create maps or topics in CCMS Desktop; doing so produces a DTD error. (You can import these specialized maps or topics, however.)

To avoid this issue, use the map and topic template title parameter. In the templates you create for these map and topic types, place the {{ixia.title}} parameter in whatever element or attribute the specialization uses for the title.

For a complete explanation of how this parameter works, refer to the documentation on the IXIASOFT Documentation site.

Important: Do not integrate specializations into the IXIASOFT DTDs. That is, do not make any changes to files in the com.ixiasoft.dita.dtd plugin or the com.ixiasoft.dita13.dtd plugin. Any changes you make to these plugins are likely to be overwritten during an upgrade. Instead, make changes to your custom DTD plugin. This plugin should be named something like com.yourcompany.dita.dtd. If you do not have a custom DTD plugin, create one before adding any specializations. For instructions, refer to Creating a custom DTD plugin for DITA 1.3.