Ticket states

A ticket's state indicates where it is in the OTRS workflow—what work is being done on it and who is currently responsible for it.

State Description
New This is the initial state of all tickets. A ticket moves to open when there is a reply on the case either from MadCap Software or the customer.
Note: If you add additional information to the ticket after initially creating it, the ticket moves to Open. When MadCap Software Support catches these occurrences, they move the tickets back to New.
Open The ticket is currently being evaluated by MadCap Software and a response is pending.
Waiting for input We are waiting on a response from you. Usually we have requested additional information or files.
Resolved Tickets in this state are closed by MadCap Software if it's for a bug that was fixed and the build is now released.
Closed successful MadCap Software's solution or response solved the issue and that no further attention is needed.
Closed unsuccessful MadCap Software's solution or response did not solve the issue and that it is unlikely that further work within the CCMS or associated applications will fully resolve the problem. For example, perhaps the problem lies with a third-party product and you need to work with that vendor for resolution.
Pending auto-close Used by agents only.

For example, MadCap Software might reply to a ticket and set it to Pending auto-close. If you are satisfied with the reply and do not reply further to the ticket it will be closed on the date set when it was placed in Pending auto-close. If you do reply then the ticket goes back to Open and the Pending auto-closed is canceled.

Pending reminder Used by agents only.