How can users perform a map word count?

You can create an index to perform a word count.


You can add an index to display the Word Count column in the Search Results view, then run a search on all topics in the map and export the results to Excel.


In the TEXTML Administration perspective, perform the following:
  1. Edit the Index Definition file.
    CAUTION: Be careful when editing the Index Definition document. Changes can significantly affect the indexing process, and any errors in the document can lead to data corruption or other errors.
  2. Add the following index if it does not already exist:
    <index NAME="wordCount" SYNC="True">
      <numericindex KEEPEXTRACTEDVALUES="True">
          <element DEPTH="0" XPATH="string-length(normalize-space(string(/))) - string-length(replace(normalize-space(string(/)), ' ', ''))" />
  3. In the summaries section, add the following to the <fieldlist>:
    <field NAME="wordCount" TYPE="Index" VALUE="All"/>
  4. To add the index to the Search Results view, edit the system/conf/display.xml file and add the following:
    <key halign="LEFT" label="Word Count" name="wordCount" sortOrder="ASC" sortType="NUMERIC" type="Index" visibility="255" width="30"/>
  5. When the indexing is complete, restart your IXIA CCMS Desktop.
  6. Open the map in DITA Map view.
  7. Perform a search for all topics in the map using the Limit To Dependencies of DITA Map view option.
  8. Export the results.
  9. In Excel, use the SUM function to add the word counts of each topic.